星期六, 8月 27, 2011

Panasonic DMC-LX5 Firmware 2.0 will release

Panasonic 終於在 DMC-LX5 firmware 上,做了些改善


  1. 增加自動對焦的速度,號稱可將 LX5 的對焦速度推像極至
  2. 高 ISO 1600、3200 使用新的 noise reduction 方法
  3. 在低光源環境下,改善白平衡的準確性
  4. 在操作模式下,加入更有效率的防手震 Power O.I.S 系統,甚至走路都能拍出好照片
  5. 加入模型效果模式,可以應用於像片與影片模式
  6. 延長快門時間到250秒 [這點真的不錯]
  7. 改善連續對焦時的快門運作
  8. 使自動對焦與手動對焦的設定更準確,尤其使用腳架的時候
  9. 使LCD monitor、external viewfinder的亮度、對比、飽和及紅和藍的色調更接近實際物體

Firmware的發布會在 9月13日的凌晨1:00
引用 ==>Dpreview.com

Panasonic announces firmware updates for its popular LUMIX DMC-LX5 digital camera

SECAUCUS, NJ (August 26, 2011) – Panasonic today announced new firmware updates for the LUMIX DMC-LX5 digital camera. The version 2.0 firmware, available on September 13, will help to improve performance and enhance usability by upgrading key camera functions.
Software updates include a redesigned algorithm which will speed up autofocus time, giving the LUMIX LX5 extremely fast AF speeds. The High ISO Noise Reduction Mode is a new feature that will offer deliberate noise reduction for images shot at high ISO 1600/3200 sensitivity. There will also be a significant improvement of the performance of auto white balance adjustment in low light situations. 
For functional upgrades, the LUMIX LX5 Active Mode will be integrated into the effective hand-shake correction system POWER O.I.S., helping users shoot more stable video even while walking. Expanding on the My Color Mode settings, the popular Miniature Effect Mode will provide the ability for a user to focus on an object and blur surroundings; a technique that can be applied in both photo and video. Also, the conventional 60-second shutter speed limit will be extended to the max 250 seconds, which will assist in shooting illuminated night sky and darkened scenery.
Additional enhancements include improved shutter operation to incorporate continuous focusing with half-shutter and full-shutter shooting. Using both autofocus and manual focus will be made even easier in situations where focus precision is desired. For instance, once a focus area has been set it can easily be retrieved, making this a convenient function for tripod shooting. Finally, the brightness, contrast/saturation and red/blue tint of the LCD monitor and external viewfinder will be adjusted to reproduce color settings which are more true to the subject.  
The new firmware will be available worldwide on September 13, 2011 at 1:00am

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